I am trying to trust me more than before, 2 month ago I didn’t know how to use Github, html and css but I am now able to use and understand. I know hey there JavaScript… I need more time with you as you are quite tough one, haha! So, going well so far!
Well, this is another weakness part of me, but I am trying to correct this weakness. I an kind of the person, don’t feel kindness to people maybe because I hurt feeling from people when I was teenager and this memory still with me. I know that am not anymore teen but bad memory is never forgotten. However I need to correct about feeling other people mind as well, because I don’t want to hurt their feeling. So, I am currently trying to listen people’s mind and not to interrupt until they finish their talk.
It’s alright, I used this meditation thinking about my mom in Korea who cares about me until our life ends, also thinking about her feeling without me in Korea. She is calling everyday and I don’t like that much because feel like still children. However I am her child, it won’t be changed and she will concern about me forever. I hope she is not worried about me too much though, her life is once like me, so hope she has a happy life and not too worry.
I had a best friend from the high school and we suddenly become no friend about 10 years ago? I still don’t understand why she stop contacting me at all. I haven’t seen her … yes more than 10 years but after this situation, I don’t trust people and very difficult to make a friend who I could call friend. The funny thing was one of my friend met her in the street and asked to my friend to tell me “Sorry?”. Very curious about that talk but I was in New Zealand that time so no change to ask for why.
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