Cultural Blog

EDA Phase0 Blogs


1. What is your experience of compassionate (or not) leadership?

Well, I worked on the team project many times at the yoobee design school, and had a leader role 2-3times. I didn’t feel about compassionate but I tried to help my team member to finish our projects on time. I suggested upload each task over the weekend and met 1hr before the class starts and always asked them if needed any help to use the program issue.

2. Do the multiplying goodness meditation. How did you find it?

I am not sure yet, but I think this is the good way to start calming down my mind when I meet some strangers or who I don’t want to talk.

3. How does the SCARF model apply to your Phase 0 experience so far? How will it apply to bootcamp?

I didn't know that I really want the certainty of all concepts through the phase 0, the nested looping was pretty uncertain issue for a while, and I was struggled to understand fully. I really want to start the bootcamp, so far I am not sure about am enough to do it cuz pretty confused all concepts now.

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