Cultural Blog

EDA Phase0 Blogs


1. How does life look through the 'pleasure, passion and purpose' lens?

My pleasure of the life is simple which I finish something on time, for example when I worked as a barista at the small retail shop and I only work there. I was busy at the lunch time at all the time and customers are lined up but I managed to serve all then I felt super proud of me and this is the one of my life pleasure experience.
About my passion, hmmm I do have passion to do something like I am studying again from October last year and that was a hard decision but I wanted to settle down in New Zealand, also want to work! This passion push me hard sometimes and make me worried so much but I am tried to do something everyday to get there.
My higher purpose is to be a happy person, not a grumpy person & miserable. I am 31 but am still struggling with the same reason when I was teenagers. I hope to be the happy person one day.

2. From the 'discovering values and higher purpose' exercise, What are your core values?  What do you stand for?

My core values is the family and how we gonna live happily. My family is living in Korea, and I only live here with my partner who will be family next year, haha! So I want to make my family in New Zealand and live happily!.
I stand for the adventurer, I lived in my country for entire my life before coming here and never lived without my family. I live in overseas for 7years now and being alright so far!

3. How did you find the resilience ideas and meditation exercise?

Meditation exercise is working well this chapter. I just bit stuck in the failure moment though, my biggest failure was happened when I was 17 and this failure memory changed my personality until now and really difficult to throw away this.

4. Any other musings?

I am doing Learning Optimism my self, do not upload anything on facebook and instagram. I know most people love to do that but this social media kind of fake to me, everyone too nice or too sad at all the time. I prefer to talk in person or texting about my feeling. I am not sure this is fit to the learning optimism but it works me anyway.

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