Cultural Blog

EDA Phase0 Blogs

Self Confidence

1. What is the relationship between mindfulness and self awareness?

Mindfulness is concentrating something or someone with some purpose but self awareness is more concentrating ourselves like our mind. For example, I am going to presentation tomorrow morning in front of the client and this is the first time for a job, how nervous it is! But you have a self confidence and knows you can do that!.

2. Try at least one of the self awareness practices from the chapter (Body Scan, Journaling). What was your experience of it? How did you feel?

I tried both and pretty liked the Journaling, I am writing a note to me sometimes like end of the page “ you did it “. Journaling is bit different, I write down what am I feeling now for 3 mins and it was pretty emotional…

3. What did you take away from the "My Emotions are Not Me" section?

'Thoughts and emotions are like clouds’ it’s a pretty cool sentence. Emotions are going away soon, even if I am very angry, it will goes away. Then I don’t remember why I was angry… maybe also when you get older it’s more easy to understand. 10’s, 20’s and 30’s my emotion dealing is very different.

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