Cultural Blog

EDA Phase0 Blogs

Daily Mindfulness

1. What did you learn from your 'mindfulness conversation'?, How did the other person find it?

I am learning a lot from this chapter, shame to say but I am not a good listener, my partner didn't belive to do this type of conversation with me when I explained how to do the mindfulness conversation. Looping method is quite interesting and working for me, at least I am albe to give a full attention who is speaking.

2. Which of the three suggested techniques will you use to sustain your practice?

A formal practice with looping is the my daily challenge with my partner and my classmates at Yoobee design school. At Yoobee we are doing lots of presentation so I could practice to listen them and ask some question what I want to know about their project after finised their presentation.

3. Any other musings?

I just realized how difficult to listen someone's talk even they are very close to me... but they are listening me very carefully. I really need to do a looping & diping everyday.

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