Technical Blog

EDA Phase0 Blogs

Problem Solving

1. What was the problem?

I got blocked at 5.3 updatecounting event.

2. What problem solving techniques did you use?

I asked via slack, googling, a technical book and youtube.

3. How did you feel throughout the process?

Slack took a long time because of the weekend? I was stuck with the for statement for an hour and tried to away from my laptop otherwise would hate myself and went out for walking with my dog.I came back and read the waffle assignment procedure again, I found out my problem after watched one of JavaScript tutorial via youtube in the evening.

Object is similar to Arrays but you are able to add different value to each properties. For example, mydog is a variable, mydog has name property and name value is Scipio.

4. What did you learn?

I learnt about how to change html and CSS with JavaScript from this Sprint. Function and For statement are are most essential for JavaScript. I still need a backup study to handle this guys.

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