Technical Blog

EDA Phase0 Blogs

Javascript Basic

1. How does JavaScript compare to HTML and CSS?

JavaScript is making our website actively. We are able to make a navigation menu with html(foundation), give a style with CSS(color,size etc) and give a dropdown animation with JavaScript.

2. Explain control flow and loops using an example process from everyday life, for example 'waking up' or 'brushing your teeth'.

JavaScript has the different statements, we are sleeping everyday, are waking up on the following day and are brushing our teeth(hopefully). We can use if statement for waking up like if(var person === wake up in the morning) and add for statement for looping like for(var person = 0; person < 80years; person++). JavaScript will execute this code until person ages at 79.

3. Explain the difference between accessing data from arrays and objects.

Array is collecting multiple datas and assigned with a single variable, for example dog breeds is a variable and accessing Chihuahua, Rottweiler, Beagel...etc. You are able to change the dog breeds to the cat breeds with cat breeds's data.

Object is similar to Arrays but you are able to add different value to each properties. For example, mydog is a variable, mydog has name property and name value is Scipio.

4. Explain what functions are and why they are useful?

Function concept is same as math function(I don't like math, by the way), if function is a box and you input something and output your result and you can use this function repeatedly. For example, function is a oven with 200 degrees for 20mins , you input pizza then your output is a delicious pizza!

5. The aspects of your wireframes you found difficult to implement, and why

It's was difficult becaues I could do place my navbar vertically but their height was same height as my ul elements but I want to give them a full height. So I found hint from w3schools. But I have a problem to give a responsive nav bar for the mobile viersion, it looks still not a stable...

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